“Mirror, Mirror” is the first of two offerings this spring of the Snow White story. The second film, starring Charlize Theron, is a darker, edgier version of the old tale.
Someone on the radio, I didn’t catch her name, was speculating why Snow White is replacing the Cinderella story told, told and re-told throughout the eighties. She pointed to our youth culture and the Boomers’ obsession with health, fitness, botox, etc-you-get-the-picture. No longer do older women look older the way they did back in the old days.
I think that the Snow White story points to the increasing tensions between the Boomers and the Gen-Xers and Millennials. The perception is that the Boomers hold nearly all the money and the power and most of them refuse to retire leaving the youngsters asking if you want whip on your mocha. And when they DO retire they’ll bleed the social security fund dry. It’s enough to make a person give up and take a nap. Well, at least Snow White has her youth and beauty.